MormonLeaks Publishes Document Instructing Teachers How to Respond to Abuse

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks releases the following document instructing Mormon Seminary and Institute teachers how to respond to abuse and “emotional emergencies”: Document here Two days remain in the MormonLeaks

MormonLeaks Releases Church Technology Project Plans and their Proposed Budgets

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks releases the following documents for the 2008 fiscal year detailing approved technology projects and their projected budgets for their respective teams: Human Resources Supply Chain Education

MormonLeaks Publishes Various Slide Decks Regarding the Mormon Church and Technology

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks releases the following documents: A 2011 presentation detailing web analytics to the site here A 2011 presentation detailing the initiative to provide Mormon

MormonLeaks Releases Slide Deck Detailing Survey Results of Mormon Teens

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks releases a 21 page slide deck from 2016 detailing the results of a survey distributed to Mormon teens. The survey was was mostly concerned with how

MormonLeaks Publishes 1999 Form Titled "Protocol For Abuse Help Line Calls"

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks publishes a form titled “Protocol For Abuse Help Line Calls” used by Church employees when receiving phone calls from local leadership via the abuse help line.

MormonLeaks Releases Original Edition of Bruce McConkie's Mormon Doctrine

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks releases a high quality PDF document of the original edition of Bruce McConkie’s famed and controversial book entitled Mormon Doctrine. Document here MormonLeaks has a

MormonLeaks Publishes Additional Kirton McConkie Document Summarizing Legal Cases Involving Mormon Church

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks publishes an 11-page, 2012 document labeled “Attorney Work Product” from Kirton McConkie, a Salt Lake City based law firm, summarizing the state of various legal cases