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Impact journalism from Truth & Transparency regarding Mormonism.

MormonLeaks Publishes Two Documents Discussing Intellectual Property Policies

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks releases the following documents from the Mormon Church’s Intellectual Property Office: 93 pages thoroughly outlining the Church’s intellectual property policies:Document here A 2012

MormonLeaks Releases 10 Documents Regarding Mormon Church's International Government Relations

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks releases the following documents concerning the Mormon Church’s relations with international governments: A memo sent in August 2006 asking permission to send a senior missionary

MormonLeaks Publishes Document Instructing Teachers How to Respond to Abuse

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks releases the following document instructing Mormon Seminary and Institute teachers how to respond to abuse and “emotional emergencies”: Document here Two days remain in the MormonLeaks

MormonLeaks Releases Church Technology Project Plans and their Proposed Budgets

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks releases the following documents for the 2008 fiscal year detailing approved technology projects and their projected budgets for their respective teams: Human Resources Supply Chain Education

MormonLeaks Publishes Various Slide Decks Regarding the Mormon Church and Technology

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks releases the following documents: A 2011 presentation detailing web analytics to the site here A 2011 presentation detailing the initiative to provide Mormon

MormonLeaks Releases Slide Deck Detailing Survey Results of Mormon Teens

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks releases a 21 page slide deck from 2016 detailing the results of a survey distributed to Mormon teens. The survey was was mostly concerned with how

MormonLeaks Publishes 1999 Form Titled "Protocol For Abuse Help Line Calls"

💡You are viewing a press release published under the name MormonLeaks before we began publishing investigative pieces under the name Truth & Transparency.MormonLeaks publishes a form titled “Protocol For Abuse Help Line Calls” used by Church employees when receiving phone calls from local leadership via the abuse help line.